Time or Money: What do you wish you had more of?

Recently I asked registrants for my FoundHer Friday events to tell me their #1 current pain point. NOT ONE person answered, “I need more money.” BUT, about 50% of my registrants said that they needed “more time” or “help with time management.” Who couldn’t use another hour (or 10) in the day, right? While that might not be possible, here are a few tips that can certainly help.

1. Put everything on your calendar.

I mean EVERYTHING. And when it’s on your calendar, make sure you treat it like an appointment.

2. Time Block

Divide your day into blocks of time. Each block is dedicated to accomplishing a specific task or group of tasks, and only those specific tasks. This goes along with tip #1… when you are working on something specific, work on that and only that. This includes personal tasks, i.e picking up your kids, and being present in that moment.

3. Protect Your Calendar/ Set Boundaries

Dr. Becky Kennedy, best-selling author and psychologist shared this on DearFoundHer… make sure that you don’t let others take time from you on your calendar. Set boundaries and stick to them. If you have something personal on your calendar, don’t move it because someone is asking you to do something else- that time is sacred. Protect your calendar.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Whether it’s carpool or playdates to help with your kids, or hiring a virtual assistant or a freelancer to help you with something at work- use your resources and ask for help. I would bet many of you reading this don’t do this often enough…I know I am guilty too. But I am really working on it, and asking for help has REALLY helped me a lot.

#5 Don’t be afraid to schedule in time for a break

We all need it…and when you come out the other side, you’re that much better for it.


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