FoundHer Files Confidential: How to scale a business?


This potential client's #1 source of revenue is hosting small classes. But with a cap on class size it started to become more work to create new classes and then also to fill them.




With over two dozen classes created and executed already, my idea was to put these classes into different formats for larger consumption in order to drive more revenue. They had the classes created, so now it's just a rinse, wash, repeat.

A COUPLE OF SUGGESTIONS made by Lindsay Pinchuk Marketing + Consulting:

  1. Create a webinar series: With contacts all over the country, I suggested that they hold a webinar series. Not only will the promotion of this option open their business to greater geographic reach, they can essentially open their curriculum to their network across the world. Each class could be stand alone, or a package. And instead of people paying $1,000 for their in-person experience that included materials, they could pay $37, $47, or $57 to tune in for the one session with a Q+A.

  2. A E-Book: Why not take their curriculum and create an e-book that people can use for instruction and reference. Especially as so many people were reaching out asking them for their content already?

    This is something they can charge $9, $17, $27 to download serving as a form of passive income.

  3. Course + Membership: I suggested putting their entire course into an 8-module option, supported by a monthly membership. Everyone would walk through the same self-paced curriculum when they do. Then, the membership serves as the support and help to continue to carry through the lessons of the course. My suggestion was hosting two Q + A sessions a month to start with the membership.

Keep in mind, they already have the course completed. It's what they use now on a smaller scale. So thgoal is simply to take that content and execute it for greater consumption.

Sometimes the answer is right in front of you, you just need some outside guidance to see it. This FoundHer is not a potential client anymore, as this client is now working with me through the execution of ALL THREE of these options. ⁠ ⁠ Over the next three months, we'll get these three solutions created from the class that they already teach live and in person in their town.⁠ ⁠

They have the content already---they don't even have to create something new, it's now repurposing the content and simply putting it into place to generate more recurring revenue for their business. ⁠ ⁠

I have two "DO IT WITH YOU" spots left for March. Book a call with me and let's see if you should grab one of them before they're gone.


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